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Barcelona to Close All Holiday Apartments by 2028: A Bold Move to Balance Tourism and Local Living

In a significant move to balance the thriving tourism industry with the needs of local residents, Barcelona has announced plans to shut down all holiday apartments by 2028. This decision aims to address growing concerns over the impact of tourism on the city’s housing market and the quality of life for its residents.

The Tourism Boom and Its Consequences

Barcelona, known for its stunning architecture, rich history, and vibrant culture, has long been a top tourist destination. The city attracts millions of visitors each year, contributing significantly to the local economy. However, the rapid increase in short-term holiday rentals has led to a shortage of affordable housing for residents, driving up rents and pushing locals out of their neighborhoods.

The rise of platforms like Airbnb has exacerbated the problem, as more property owners opt to rent out their apartments to tourists at higher rates instead of to long-term tenants. This has sparked protests from residents and calls for stricter regulations to curb the negative effects of mass tourism.

The Plan to Reclaim Residential Space

In response to these challenges, Barcelona’s city council has unveiled a comprehensive plan to phase out all holiday apartments over the next four years. By 2028, all properties currently used for short-term rentals will need to be converted back into homes for local residents.

The city’s mayor, Ada Colau, has been a vocal advocate for this initiative, emphasizing the need to prioritize the well-being of residents over the profits generated by tourism. “We must ensure that Barcelona remains a livable city for its people,” Colau stated. “Our goal is to reclaim residential spaces and restore balance to our neighborhoods.”

Implementing the Transition

The plan involves a gradual phase-out of holiday apartments, giving property owners time to adjust. The city will offer financial incentives and support to those willing to convert their properties back into long-term rentals. Additionally, stricter regulations will be imposed on new short-term rental licenses, making it more difficult for properties to be used for tourism purposes in the future.

The city council also plans to work closely with community organizations and residents to ensure a smooth transition. Workshops and informational sessions will be held to help property owners understand the new regulations and explore alternative uses for their properties.

Impact on Tourism and the Local Economy

While this move is expected to improve the quality of life for residents, there are concerns about its potential impact on Barcelona’s tourism industry. The city relies heavily on tourism revenue, and reducing the number of holiday rentals could lead to a decrease in the number of visitors.

To mitigate this, the city plans to promote sustainable tourism practices and encourage visitors to explore less crowded areas outside the city center. Investments in infrastructure and public transportation will also be made to support these efforts.

A Model for Other Cities

Barcelona’s decision to shut down holiday apartments by 2028 is seen as a bold and innovative approach to managing the challenges of mass tourism. Other cities facing similar issues, such as Amsterdam and Venice, are closely watching Barcelona’s progress and may consider implementing similar measures.

As the global tourism industry continues to grow, finding a balance between welcoming visitors and preserving the quality of life for residents is becoming increasingly important. Barcelona’s initiative could serve as a model for other cities striving to achieve this balance.


The plan to close all holiday apartments by 2028 marks a significant step towards addressing the housing crisis and improving the quality of life for Barcelona’s residents. While it presents challenges for the tourism industry, the city’s commitment to sustainable and equitable growth offers a promising path forward. As Barcelona embarks on this ambitious journey, it sets an example for other cities grappling with the complexities of tourism and urban living.



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Calvin van der Spuy
Calvin van der Spuy
Calvin van der Spuy, a seasoned journalist with 8 years of experience, has dedicated his career to the relentless pursuit of the unbiased truth. At just 20 years old, Calvin's passion for journalism ignited at a young age, leading him to become a respected voice in the field. With a knack for uncovering stories that matter, Calvin's work is characterized by its integrity and commitment to factual reporting. He brings a fresh perspective to every piece, ensuring that his audience receives well-researched and accurate information. Calvin's dedication to maintaining journalistic standards makes him a valuable asset to any newsroom. In his journey, Calvin has covered a diverse range of topics, from local community issues to international affairs, always striving to shed light on the stories that need to be told. His curiosity and determination drive him to explore every angle, ensuring that no stone is left unturned. When he's not chasing leads or conducting interviews, Calvin enjoys engaging with his community and staying updated on the latest news trends. His friendly demeanor and approachable nature make him a trusted source for reliable news. Calvin van der Spuy continues to inspire with his unwavering commitment to truth and his passion for storytelling. His journey in journalism is a testament to the power of dedication and the importance of seeking the unbiased truth in today's ever-evolving media landscape.

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